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  • allyphelps7

Live for today, plan for tomorrow, party tonight!

Last night was my last baby's last prom. In typical Phelps boys fashion, he has been very elusive with me about the details and preparation for the event. I actually forgot that he was supposed to get a corsage/wristlet for his date until he texted me a few days ago asking if I'd purchase one and he'd pay me back (he even forwarded me a picture she had sent him of her dress...good job guys!) When it comes to the firsts and lasts of my children, I really try not to think about them too much. It's crazy-making. Better to embrace the changes and go with it. Besides, I'd be in a perpetual state of being a crying blubbering mess, so there's that.

Bronson has had an incredibly interesting senior year of High School, to say the least. Like most children attending public schools, the rules and standards and requirements of class-work and attendance have seemed to change almost daily. Quite frankly I would have been quite fine if he'd wanted to home-school. In a way he has. Since the whole craziness started in March of 2020, he and his tight group of buddies have had some epic adventures. "On-line learning", from a friend's family cabin with lots of snow-boarding for "recess" became almost the standard through the cold weeks of winter. Trips to deserts of Southern Utah, bon-fires, hiking, skating, and even weekly disco roller-skating filled the final year of their care-free teens.

The school recently sent a survey to all parents of graduating students. Two options: Did we prefer an on-line graduation ceremony, or did we prefer a gathering. The results were published that an overwhelming response was received that gathering was the way to go. These kids are going to whoop and holler and toss their caps in the air, and I hope hug each other real hard one last time before forging into the world of adulthood, responsibilities, and bit decision-making.

Like herding snakes I tell ya!

Since when do girls have dresses fit for the Academy Awards? So gorgeous all of them!

If these boys plan out their lives the way they planned out this prom they are going to do amazing things! (side-note, can someone tell me when prom turned into an all-day event?) A day full of 4-wheeling, followed by picture-taking up in Big Cottonwood Canyon, with a BB-Q dinner at the cabin. Then prom, (and I really should have volunteered to chaperone cuz I love me a good dance party), with swimming and jacuzziing to top off the event. Whew! All I had to do was show up and take some pictures and then wait up for my child to get home. Curfew gets extended for special events since I'm nice that way.

Bronson and his pretty date Whitney

As I sat in bed eating ice-cream (because how else am I supposed to stay awake past mid-night?), my mind drifted back to my own prom moments. I'm happy that I had guy-friends that needed a date. I'm glad I had girl-friends that had prom dresses to lend out. Only twice did I go to a girl ask guy dance "Sadie-Hawkins" what does that mean anyway? One was because two of my friends decided I needed to go and asked a guy for me. The other, I loved my dress borrowed from my Aunt Juliana's college days, but the guy was pretty cold and borderline cold to me though-out the evening. It was a double-date. My grand-parents made us an incredibly fancy candle-lit dinner, and my little brother Joel was our "waiter". I didn't care that my date was meh. I have such fond memories of the work my grand-parents put into that event. And I loved the idea of Joel waiting on me. Just joking Joel! Just in case he reads this.

Way to be creative with prom in 1982 Chris! And please note the Princess Diana sleeves and collar of my dress and the bouquet of a corsage!

Come to think of it....Chris Fletcher asked me to prom our junior year. He had the school secretary call me down to the office. That terrified me because I hated even the idea of ever getting into trouble. What the heck had happened?! When I reached the front desk, there was a bouquet of a dozen long stemmed roses with a not asking me to prom. Awwwww so creative and sweet! The evening of prom, he and the other couple came to pick me up, and after taking the obligatory photos the boys blind-folded Valerie and me and said we were in for a surprise. When the car finally stopped and we opened our eyes, we saw we were at the airport! We boarded an airplane and made the short flight to Tucson where we were met by a limousine that drove us to dinner. Epic.

Even if you don't have a great date, go ahead and git that selfie shot girls!

Bronson got home a little after 1 AM. Give him an hour he takes another ten minutes man! He's a good boy. Never has he given me cause to worry. I fret, only because that's what we mothers do. He came into our bedroom to check in and say goodnight. "I made an edit." he said with a grin. "Oh is it ready to watch?" I asked him, "Not yet, it will be in the morning." First thing when I woke up, I reached for my phone and watched the short movie he'd made of the day's events. They always make me cry. Somehow he captures the all the joy of teen-hood in just a couple minutes of mayhem and music.

"I believe that children are our future" Whitney Houston sung back in the 80's. Well yes. That sort of goes without saying. But I also believe that the future is very bright. Here's to the Bingham High School Class of 2021! May you be as strong and resilient as the mountains that surround you!

The future is bright!

Big Cottonwood Canyon

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