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  • allyphelps7

On Fleek

I should be gathering supplies and packing for an upcoming camping trip. But true to form, I'll find just about any excuse to avoid such a dreaded task. Like I need to take a nap. Or maybe I need to take a long leisurely walk to collect the mail, or pick weeds out of the garden. Maybe I need to just sit and ponder the state of the world. Anything....ANYthing other than pack.

I choose to take a nap. Probably because it's so very hot and the idea of moving around gathering items to take to an even hotter location while working up a sweat makes me feel rather sleepy. I lie down, but it's too warm to really fall asleep. I close my eyes and let my mind wander. "Maybe I'll make a peach pie with those "I'm ripe" peaches I bought at Costco but really never were ripe enough to eat plain"....."Sister so and so gave such a great lesson on the attributes of the Savior today in church"....I open up my phone and turn it to selfie camera mode to check out the massive amount of frizz in my post-menopausal hair. "Man, my hair is even frizzier since I slept in that wet braid last night..." but then I also notice my brows. They are looking pretty "on fleek" as they say and I snap a photo to send to Dave who gifted them to me.

Selfie Sunday

For Mother's Day, Dave gave me the gift of time. And by that I mean that after years of me taking so long to "paint my face" meaning draw on my eyebrows every morning, and complaining that it takes. so. long. to get ready every day and also, where in the heck do our eyebrows run off to as we get older, and I just need to get them tattooed or micro-bladed on; he had me set up an appointment with a fabulous brow gal and finally get them done up right. "Just call the lady Allyson!" He and I looked at her portfolio so that we could be sure I wouldn't end up looking perpetually surprised or angry, his only request that I would just simply look like "me".

Brows are sort of like Indian ruins. One day there is a thriving civilization and then BAM! They seem to have just vanished with only a few traces of arrowheads and broken pottery. Perhaps if I hadn't once had such thick brows it wouldn't be so strange. But I once had a thriving village of brow hair above my eyes and then it's like a drought hit and they disappeared, leaving just enough to fill in with make-up so that I feel like myself.

Brows and frizz (sounds like the name of a rock-brand)

Another time back in the day when I tried the real short hair thing

Brows and frizzy hair that's itchy to curl again as soon as it dries

I thought about taking a picture of Taylie our oldest grand-daughter

who was born looking like she'd gone to have her brows groomed right before arriving earth-side. But then thought nah....that'd be a little strange.

Okay, maybe take a picture of my mother!

Such a stunningly beautiful lady!

I suppose when it came right down to it, I trusted the brow gal. She is the artist and she understands what will look best and most true to "you". I'm so pleased with the results of her work! I feel like I look like myself and need much less time to "put of my face" each morning. At my age I'm much less interested in make-up than I used to be and much more interested in really good skin-care and sun-screen. And if I just embrace the frizzy hair instead of trying to tame it, maybe I can be a "I just need five minutes to get ready!" kind of gal. It could happen.

Now if I can only figure out how to speed up packing for this camping trip. I wonder how fast the Indians gathered their things. They probably didn't pack make-up bags with skin-care. But then maybe they did! I'm pretty sure a tour guide once told us they used aloe vera plants for their skin. I'm also pretty sure I'm avoiding the task at hand. Better get to it!

As soon as I go check the mail and weed the garden.

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