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  • allyphelps7

"The Ten-Dollar Tomatoe....or is it Tomato"

Occasionally my brothers text me pictures from the different beaches of the Pacific they are on. A vast ocean of warm, crystal blue water. I open their texts while kneeling backwards on the chair that sits in front of the large picture window of our tiny cabin. A different vastness before me. Blues, grays and whites. Icy cold and breath-taking. If there is a breeze, it literally feels like it takes my breath away.

As much as love I trip to the ocean, I find myself yearning for the temperamental weather fluctuations of the rocky mountains. Maybe it's so I can have something to complain about; something out of my control. The anticipation of each upcoming season is thrilling.

The seals of most of the cabin's older windows have deteriorated and some mornings we've woken up to a nice layer of ice on the inside of the window sill. Considering our water heater has sat outside on the deck, we've managed to make it through most of the winter without frozen or broken pipes. Just one morning did we wake to no water and a cracked copper water-pipe. Luckily we have an amazing neighbor that got it repaired for us the same day. Eli came up and spent a few hours getting most of our exposed pipes insulated. Every family needs a plumber!

When the boys were in the midst of teenage'dom I remember when I'd be particularly exasperated, muttering to myself, "I just wanted babies not a bunch of young men...." Of course the hard times fade from memory and watching them thrive and become incredible, contributing members of society has been wonderful.

I purchased a dual-pack of 505 Hatch Valley green chile a couple weeks ago. I perpetually forget that I am only cooking for two, and have to figure out ways to use large containers of ingredients. Though truly I could almost eat this green chile by the spoon-ful, a better use was to add it to my latest sourdough loaf along with some pepper-jack and colby-jack cheese.

Yesterday as I drove the seven miles from Heber up to our cabin, out of my peripheral view I saw several horses running; not apparently to or from anything but out of sheer joy. Enough snow had melted that my guess is that they might be just as excited as I to see brown earth again. I couldn't help but pull over and bask in the moment.

Mama came over with her twin foals and I durn near cried it was so precious. I loved seeing the mud all over her side and imagine the fun mud-bath she must've had.

How the birds stay alive and warm enough all winter is beyond me.

Speaking of Costco (the $300 store), last time we went there was a small green-house on display. I'm going to see if I can talk Dave into purchasing one. That way we can grow our own tomatoes this summer. Actually, maybe it could double as a winter hot-house for me. I could put a lounge chair in it, and pretend I'm on a beach. I'll tell him that instead of growing a $10 tomato, it'll be more like I'm taking a $50 trip to the ocean. Girl Math. It's a method.

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eli phelps
eli phelps
Mar 08

Love it mamma

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