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  • allyphelps7

The Three-Month Itch

A change is as good as a rest. At least that's what my mother told me all my life. I was in serious need of a break from snow, and so when I saw that my 40-year high school reunion was approaching, I told Dave I wanted to go. Mostly I wanted to go to get away from the endless gray skies and ever-growing berms of snow surrounding us. I graduated from Mesa High school. Mesa Arizona. The Valley of the SUN. Not one to be terribly social and knowing that I hardly knew anyone in high school, my desperation for some vitamin D was apparent. We pulled up google maps on the computer and plotted out our road trip.

A quick trip to the mile-high city (is it called that because the elevation or because the odor of weed permeates the air to the point I was questioning my own sobriety. It's a lovely city where our beautiful daughter lives and knows all the great eateries. Our hotel was walking distance from her condo and from downtown where we ate great food and even took in a movie. A very expensive movie. The girl at the ticket counter must have seen the shock on my face and quietly said she'd give us the senior discount. Dude. I guess that's where we're at now. So weird, but for a cheaper ticket I'll accept it.

The next day was a quick trip to Dumas, Texas. A little post about that trip here: We attended Easter Sunday services at my childhood chapel. It was rather cathartic, and I'm so happy we made that a part of this trip.

The drive from Dumas to Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico was only five hours long. I closed my eyes and imagined my parents making that drive; my dad driving the the U-haul and my mom and her friend Pam and us kids driving behind him in the VW Bug. My love of Bandelier has no bounds.

We stayed three nights in Santa Fe. We walked to all the beautiful stores and buildings. We ate all the food.

All I want for Christmas is an adobe house okay?

Have you seen the price of pine nuts? I'm thinking each one cost approximately $1

These chocolates have Hatch green chili in the center and I am here for it! Such an interesting and delicious combination!

I don't recall learning a whole lot of science or math in elementary school. But I for sure remember learning reading, writing, and also about Maria the Potter, and Georgia O'Keefe the painter/artist. Dave booked a tour for Ghost Ranch in Abique. It is an awe-inspiring, breath-taking place. I'm glad that it is being taken care of and restored to it's original state. The renovations will take approximately ten years. I'll be stalking it until then and first in line to purchase tickets.

I agree with Georgia O'Keefe. I almost hope people never come here so that it can stay quiet and peaceful. There is most certainly a feeling of reverence in this desert wilderness.

Ojo Caliente Hot Springs Resort was next. Our last venture to New Mexico I had us hiking up to a hot spring in the Jemez Mountains. Clothing optional. I swore to Dave I had no clue. I don't regret going but man, some things you just can't erase from your mind. I thought it'd be nice to have a re-do and go to more of a controlled situation. Soaking in hot mineral water after such a long winter sounded lovely. Especially after having to watch Dave shovel all that snow.

We chose the private hot spring, though there are several other pools that are available to hang out in for much longer.

All toasty and rested, we packed up and headed to White Sands National Park. As we saw a sea of white in the far-off distance, we saw a giant concrete pistachio in front of a huge pistachio farm. I love all things pistachio and gave Dave that look. The look that says "Pretty please can we? huh? huh?" We pulled over, went inside the store and purchased some roasted pistachios and a large bowl of ice-cream to share. A tour of the farm was just beginning so we hopped on board and learned all about how to grow these little green beauties, just in case we ever want to cash it all in and start our own tree nut farm.

I dream about this ice cream. I will travel hundreds of miles for this ice cream.

White Sands National Park. Another one of my "don't come here you won't like it" parks. Because I don't want more people here than there already are. It's not sand. It's gypsum. And it's the most delightful feeling on your feet. The air is clean. The sky is blue. It's otherworldly. But again....don't come here. You won't like it.

On to Chiricahua National Monument. We're on a roll here. Because if you give a mouse a cookie sorta thing. The GPS sent us on some pretty interesting dirt roads. All of which Dave questioned (and he was usually right), but none of which I regret. Give me a back-road all day long. Although I am not the one that would be changing a flat I have to give him that.

Had to do a few little photo re-creations to the best of my memories and abilities.

Mind-blowing. Close to the border of Mexico. It's a drive to get here and totally worth it.

Next stop is Bisbee. The drive from Chiricahua to Bisbee is around an hour in our Toyota Camry. I'm not sure what car my parents drove on August 7th 1965. I will say that my mother deserves some major kudos. The road is full of dips and hills; the kind that make you "lose your tummy". To drive on it while in labor....well, I'm a bit surprised I wasn't born in the car. It does make sense I was born in the hallway of the hospital. No time for her to get checked in.

A very artsy town, with delicious restaurants and antique shopping. I only wish we'd pulled a trailer behind us so I could have brought home so many treasures. I don't think Dave had that same wish.

My high school reunion week-end coming up we started headed toward Phoenix. A quick drive through the Saguaro National Park is always lovely.

It took moving away from the desert for me to truly appreciate it's unique beauty.

After my reunion, a lovely visit with Dave's family and way too much Mexican food it was time to head home to the cabin, the cat, and yes....more snow. We contemplated driving back by way of the Grand Canyon, but we'll save that trip for when we are tired of the heat and need a change. Maybe we just needed to rest.

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